About DHM
For the last 10 years, Drone Home Media has evolved from a one-man photography operation to an ever growing team of 20+ content creators, editors, and management & support staff.
After mastering the real estate photography craft, we've now added a social media marketing branch to DHM, acting as your own personal social media agency dedicated to launching and scaling your online brand across many different web and mobile channels.
And although our roots are in real estate, we have plenty of experience, talent, and gear to successfully help market any type of business in New England.

Our Space
We're located at the Saxonville Mills in Framingham, MA. This is where our content staff edit and upload content from out in the field, and our management and support staff work hard to consistently improve our offerings to our clients.​Attached to our office is our content creation studio, equipped with professional videography and lighting equipment, and featuring a Cycloramic wall designed to eliminate distracting corners and edges in your media. If you want high-quality storytelling content for your brand, there's no better place to be.