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Welcome to DHM's Frequently Asked Questions page. We have gathered a list of FAQs that should answer most of your questions. If you don't find your answer here, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to help!
My Story
THE REASON FOR SOLAR PANEL INSPECTIONOne defective cell has the capacity to compromise the entire solar panel system bringing about an economic loss. Also, the photovoltaic modules are the major constituents of the system itself. They perform essential role in the conversion of the energy from the sun to electricity. The most suitable module is, in this manner, essential for viable and timely maintenance of this photovoltaic system so as to get perfect performance and an incredible return on investment. A few defects like misalignment, oxidation, corrosion, yellowing, and cracking in the photovoltaic modules can be revealed to the naked eye. These are defects that are brought about by critical environmental conditions, like corrosive gas, dust, hail, salt, or snow. This implies that they can be viewed with a camcorder or camera.
WHY SELECT US?With thermal images, problems can be easily seen and even on an enormous scale when you get a new set of eyes, which positions everything directly into perspective. Identify manufacturing defects, cracks, temporary shadowing, defective bypass diodes, and faulty inter-connectors in your solar panel right from your office.
GET RID OF SAFETY RISKS:Prevent the time expended on building a safety document and sending specialized personnel typically for inspection. We are equipped with a drone that will inspect areas that are difficult to access and assist in cutting back any insurance and expenses. Why choose expensive, time consuming options filled with risk when a drone is available for you to complete the tasks in a few hours with no risks? We provide the high-quality and innovative maintenance service for any solar panels facilities. With the use of Drones for the inspection of Solar Panels, which makes the services we provide the best, from Expert Inspectors and thermographers.
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